Noakhali Science and Technology University

Phone: 02334496522 Fax:02334496523 registrar@office.nstu.edu.bd
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Software Engineering Program (BSSE)

Welcome to the Software Engineering Program (BSSE)

To be provided soon....................

Mission and Vision

IIT Vision

To create competent and skilled intellectual IT professionals specifically for planning strategically, implementing and managing IT systems along with empowerment, enhancement and engagement of the academic, support and research activities.

IIT Mission

Institute of Information Technology (IIT) is formed to bring forth competent IT Professionals in Bangladesh with a strong understanding of information technology bodies of knowledge and theories, who can apply sound technological principles and methods to the cost-effective creation, development, operation, and maintenance of high-quality information system and are prepared for lifelong learning.
The specific mission of this institute is:
M1. To uplift the rural communities of Bangladesh, specifically Noakhali region through advanced quality education in Information Technology
M2. To disseminate IT knowledge to the university community, professional societies, local communities, the state, and the nation through advanced research and development
M3. To provide students with the tools to become productive, participating global citizens and life-long learners

M4. To maintain relationship with the industry through effective and dynamic industry- academia collaboration

M5. To provide an atmosphere for students and faculty for continuous learning to investigate, apply and transfer knowledge
M6. To provide diversity and professionalism in IT field along with the entrepreneurial, interdisciplinary, service oriented environment and curriculum

Message from the Chairman

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Dr. Mohammad Salim Hossain

Chairman and Professor

Software Engineering Program (BSSE)

Message from the Director

It is my pleasure to introduce you to one of the vibrant Technological institutes in Bangladesh. Institute of Information Technology (IIT), Noakhali Science and Technology University.The Institute of Information Technology (IIT) has been established under Noakhali Science and Technology University Act 2001 section 41; as a constituent Institute with a separate Board of Governors. The major objectives of the Institute of Information Technology (IIT) is to set-up a model of Education which can produce best-in-class human resources in IT and harnessing the multidimensional facets of IT in various domains. The Institute will evolve into a world-class academic institution with the highest quality of Education and Research facilities. Established in the year of 2015, the “Newness” factor of IIT- NSTU and its close collaboration with other Institutions. IIT allows us to be constantly dynamic in our curriculum. We enjoy the flexibility to quickly respond to these rapidly changing global socio-economic conditions and can efficiently adapt the best practices of leading the Technical Institute. We consider this agility for Technical Education. I look forward, the Institute of Information Technology (IIT).


Dr. Mohammad Salim Hossain

Professor and Director

Software Engineering Program (BSSE)

Institute of Information Technology (IIT)

Faculty Member

Dr. Md. Nuruzzaman Bhuyian
Assistant Professor

Officers and Staff

# Name Designation Photo Contact Number
1 Md. Giash Uddin Section Officer 01830352149
2 Md. Ala Uddin Section Officer 01827486625
3 Shahnure Rabib Lab Instructor 01785787567
4 Mahfuzur Rahman Office Assistant 01838321141

Notice and Forms

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Mailing Address

Noakhali Science and Technology University

Noakhali-3814, Noakhali.

(Office Hour: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Days: Sunday to Thursday, Closed weekend day: Friday and Saturday)

Website : www.nstu.edu.bd