Noakhali Science and Technology University

Phone: 02334496522 Fax:02334496523 registrar@office.nstu.edu.bd
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Department of Law

Welcome to the Department of Law

Mission and Vision

Message from the Chairman

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Badsha Mia

Chairman and Associate Professor

Department of Law

On behalf of the Department of Law, I am pleased to welcome you to the NSTU's website. I hope that this website will let you have the opportunity to learn more about the Department of Law. The Department of Law started its journey in 2018 with the realistic intention of providing practical and community-responsive legal education in the spirit and sense of good governance, human rights, and justice. The Department's mission is to create a theory-based but practice-oriented learning environment that prepares students to become efficient lawyers in a globally competitive world while also fostering their ethical and professional obligations.

The motto of the Department of Law is ‘Learning by Doing’. Thus the mission of the Department of Law goes beyond mere academic practices. The Department of Law has been established with a vision to generate law graduates who will not only serve the law and their clients with professionalism and integrity but also make contribution in nation building by pro bono lawyering and judicial activism. In order to accomplish this mission, the Department of Law has been working relentlessly in designing and redesigning its own model of legal education. Curriculum of the Department of Law blends the academic rigors of the classroom with the real-life experience of the contemporary society.

The Department of Law is expected to play a highly positive and productive role in bringing about social changes and reform in the legal system, in promoting social responsibility, in stimulating intellectual dialogue, and debate with a view to strengthening the legal profession and judicial institution for better promotion of justice and greater national and regional growth and development. Students are routinely assigned to visit Courts, Tribunals, NGOs' offices, and INGOs under the supervision of faculty members in order to gather and enrich practical legal knowledge. There is a Mooting Society that helps students improve their legal skills. The Department is also committed to accomplish the vision and mission of the Noakhali Science and Technology University (NSTU).

Hopefully, within a very short span of time, the Department will achieve international recognition as one of the best law departments in Bangladesh.



With Best Wishes,

Badsha Mia

Department of Law

Faculty Member

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Noakhali Science and Technology University

Noakhali-3814, Noakhali.

(Office Hour: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Days: Sunday to Thursday, Closed weekend day: Friday and Saturday)

Website : www.nstu.edu.bd