Noakhali Science and Technology University

Phone: 02334496522 Fax:02334496523 registrar@office.nstu.edu.bd

Department of Fisheries and Marine Science

Academic Profile of Afshana Parven Shahid

Afshana Parven Shahid

About Afshana Parven Shahid

I am Afshana Parven. Currently, I am doing a Ph.D. at AIT, Thailand. I had completed my Bachelor's from Bangladesh Agricultural University. After that, I pursued MSc. at AIT, Thailand, equivalent to an M.Phil degree with AIT and NORAD fellowship. My research focused on Triploidy induction and growth management of hybrid catfish. I have joined as a Lecturer at a Private University in Bangladesh and was Promoted as an Assistant Professor. After serving many years, I pursued another MSc. (2 years) in Wageningen University, the Netherlands, with the Netherland Fellowship.  I returned to Bangladesh and joined as a Lecturer in NSTU and am now on study leave for pursuing a Ph.D. with a Japanese Government Scholarship. I have also completed an MBA in Human Resources Management from Royal Roads University, Canada. I have attended many national and international seminars, training, and workshops. I have more than 14 years of Teaching and research experience with the prestigious membership in the world Aquaculture Society. I have also been involved in the IRDR Young Scientist Program


Book Chapter: 

Parven A., Pal I., Wuthisakkaroon C. (2020) Climate Smart Disaster Risk Management for a Resilient Community in Satkhira, Bangladesh. In: Pal I., von Meding J., Shrestha S., Ahmed I., Gajendran T. (eds) An Interdisciplinary Approach for Disaster Resilience and Sustainability. MRDRRE 2017. Disaster Risk Reduction (Methods, Approaches and Practices). Springer, Singapore

Parvena, Afshana, Indrajit Palb, and Md Shahidul Hasanb. "Ecosystem for disaster risk reduction in Bangladesh: A case study after the Cyclone “Aila”." Disaster Resilience and Sustainability: Adaptation for Sustainable Development (2021): 277.

Pal, Indrajit, Afshana Parven, Md Ashik-Ur-Rahman, Mohammad Sofi Ullah, and Khan Ferdousour Rahman. "An Analysis of Small-Scale Fisheries Management Status by Focusing on Degrading Fisheries Resources in the Sundarbans." In Sundarbans Mangrove Systems, pp. 189-213. CRC Press, 2021.




Parven, A., & Hasan, M. (2018). Trans-boundary water conflicts between Bangladesh and India: water governance practice for conflict resolution. International Journal of Agricultural Research, Innovation and Technology8(1), 79–84. doi: 10.3329/ijarit.v8i1.38233

Rahman, K. F., Pal, I., & Parven, A. (2020). Energy security and disaster risk governance in energy sector of Bangladesh. International Energy Journal20(3A).


Parven, A. (2017). Land use change and rural-urban migration: An investigation of land use change in Noakhali district, Bangladesh. SUB Journal of Sustainable Environment and Development,2, 19-34.


Parven, A., Hossain R.A.M and Fatema K.M (2015). Garra annadalei. In: IUCN Bangladesh. Red List of Bangladesh Volume 5: Freshwater Fishes. IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature, Bangladesh Country Office, Dhaka, Bangladesh. p. 72



Parven, A., Hossain R.A.M and Fatema K.M (2015). Gagata cenia. In: IUCN Bangladesh. Red List of Bangladesh Volume 5: Freshwater Fishes. IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature, Bangladesh Country Office, Dhaka, Bangladesh. p. 266



Parven, A. (2015). Atyopsis spinipes. In: IUCN Bangladesh. Red List of Bangladesh Volume 6: Crustacean. IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature, Bangladesh Country Office, Dhaka, Bangladesh. p. 146 https://www.iucn.org/content/red-list-bangladesh-volume-6-crustaceans


Parven, A. (2015). Caridina weberi. In: IUCN Bangladesh. Red List of Bangladesh Volume 6: Crustacean. IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature, Bangladesh Country Office, Dhaka, Bangladesh. p. 149 https://www.iucn.org/content/red-list-bangladesh-volume-6-crustaceans


Parven, A & Gallardo, G.W (2014). Triploidy induction and growth performance of hybrid catfish (Clarias macrocephalus × C. gariepinus). International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies, 1(6): 151-162. http://fisheriesjournal.com/vol1issue6/Pdf/141.1.pdf


Afshana, P.; Arshada, P. and M.S. Hasan (2013). Head of HR has the Key Role for Managing Organizational Changes in their Respective. Int. J. Bus., Soc. and Sci. Res. 01(01):17-22. Retrieve from http://www.ijbssr.com/currentissueview/13010104


Parven. A1, Haque. T. ASM2, Hossain. D.3, (2012). The impact of Overfishing on fish population: The concept of overfishing & how do we know overfishing takes place? http://aquafind.com/articles/Overfishing-Report.php


Parven. A., (2012). Coastal Aquaculture Practices in Chachoengsao District, Thailand. http://aquafind.com/articles/Coastal-Aquaculture-Practice-in-Thailand.php


Parven A, Ahmed S (2010). National Aquaculture production in Bangladesh: an overview of freshwater aquaculture production and carp production. Marine Res. Aqua. 1(2),1-4


Conference Proceedings

Parven, A. (2019). Governance of Climate and Environmental Hazard Induced Migration in the Dhaka city of Bangladesh. Climate change impacts and responses, 16-17 April, 2019, Catholic University of America, Washington D.C. USA

Parven, A. & Hasan, M.S. (2019),  Ecosystem for Disaster Risk Reduction in Bangladesh: A case study after the Cyclone “AILA “International Symposium on "Disaster Resilience and Sustainable Development" 7 - 8 March, 2019 (AIT, Thailand)



Thesis Published:


1. Tripolidy Induction and Growth Performance of Hybrid Catfish (Clarias macrocephalus × C. garipinus). AIT thesis no. AQ-07-27


2. Governance of Climate and Envirnmental hazard induced migration in the Dhaka city of Bangladesh: New Policy Required for water crisis management in the urban slum? By Afshana Parven.  MSc –Thesis in Environmental Policy submitted in partial fulfillment of the degree of Master of Science in Environmental Science at Wageningen University, the Netherlands

 Research Project Published:

Role of Human Resources Management to minimize the negative environmental and social impacts of shrimp industry in Bangladesh: Explore the challenges within the industry and develop recommendations for overcoming these challenges supervised by Maureen Campbell, School of Management, Royal Roads University, Canada





Abstract for Asian Aquaculture Conference  December, 2018 organized by AIT, Thailand entitled with "LIVELIHOOD ASSESSMENT OF FISHERS IN DHOROIL BEEL UNDER CHALAN BEEL AREA, ULLAHPARA UPAZILLA, SIRAJGANJ, BANGLADESH" (Seleted for poster presentation)


  • Attended the Conferences on Gender and Aquaculture on Fisheries (GAF7): Expanding the Horizon 18-21 October, 2018 organized by AIT, Thailand


  • Attended the training about Tranforming Development and Disaster Risk Academy delivered by the International Center of Excellence on Transforming Development and Disaster Risk (ICoE-TDDR) and Stockholm Environment Center Asia Center (SEI) on 12 October.
  • Training on Environmental Management on Ship in US coast from 9th Dec, 2009-23rd Jan, 2010 in the USA, organized by Anglo-Eastern Ship Management, Hongkong.



  • Attended Ochanomizu Summer Program for Gender Development from 08-22 July, 2018  organized by Ochanomizu University, Tokyo Japan funded by JASSO scholarship


  • Attended a training on Safety and Quality in Innovative Food Production Systems. The short term training will organize by Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand along with BOKU- university of Natuaral resources and life science, Austria and University Of Leige, Belgium under the project ASIFOOD financed by EACEA under the ERESMUS plus program 20-26 May, 2018.


  • ERUSMUS+ Mobility project on "Climate change and Satellite generated atmospheric and Climate data" jointly arranged by AIT, ERUSMUS+ and University of Salzburg, Austria from 2-6 April, 2018


  • Attended Curriculam Development for the Sustainable Seafood and Nutrition Security (Ref.SSN#585924) from April 18-20, 2018 at AIT, Thailand


  • Attended 2 days International Conference in “Disaster Risk Reduction in Education”  held in 1-2 December 2017 at Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand.


  • Attended 2nd International Blue Economy Dialogue in Dhaka from 22-23 November, 2017 organized my Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bangladesh


  • Atteneded "Giant Prawn 2017" conference held from 19-22 April at Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand.


  • Attended 3 days Asia Pacicific Climate Change Adaptation forum in Colombo, Srilanka organized by APAN from 17-19 October, 2016.


  • Attended an International Reflection workshop "Learning from dealing with Dynamic Deltas- The role of Science-Policy-Society inteface in Delta Governance worldwide-Experience,lessions learnt and the way fprward" Convened by Wageningen U & Research center, Unesco-IHE, The Hague Institute for Global Justice and the Netherlands National Unesco Commission in 22 september, 2014 at Rotterdam, Beurs-WTC Congress & Event Center.


  • Attended a four day International training workshop in BRAC-CDM, Rajendrapur, Dhaka from 13-17 July, 2014 on Red List Assessment Process organized by IUCN Bangladesh.


  • Attended two days national training workshop on Red List Assessment Process from 20-21 April, 2014 in Dhaka, Bangladesh organized by IUCN Bangladesh


  • Develop a Project "Green in the City" in a group from  2 September, 2013 to 22 Oct,2013 organized by Wageningen University, Netherlands.


  • Attended 2nd International Human Resources Management conferences in Dhaka, Bangladesh 8th December, 2012.

Experiences and Activities


1. Assistant Professor, Noakhali Science and Technology University ( on Study leave)

2. Lecturer, Noakhali Science and Technology Univeristy


Extra Curricular Activities

1. Curently working as an elected  President of AIT Alumni Association: South East Asia Regional Chapter 2020 and 2021

2. Currently working as a President AIT Bangladesh Association, AIT, Thailand

3. Worked as an Election Commissioner for Student Union Election at AIT, Thailand

4. Worked as General Assembly speaker (2 times, second highest position in student union) in Student Union, AIT, Thailand

5. Worked as a Campus and Environment Chairperson in Student Union at AIT, Thailand

6. Worked as a General Assembly member (Supreme body of Student Union) at AIT, Thailand

7. Worked as a member in IEXN, Netherlands