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Department of Bangladesh and Muktijuddho Studies

Academic Profile of Anjan Kumar Nath

Anjan Kumar Nath

About Anjan Kumar Nath


1. Anjan Kumar Nath, "Causes and Consequences of Internal Migration: A Study on Sylhet City." Journal of Politics and Administration, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology University. Vol-4, No-1, December 2019. 

2. Ghose, S. K, Nath, A. K., The Origin of the Cold War: A Historiography, IOSR Journal of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) Volume 26, Issue 3, Series 5 (March. 2021) 14-18 https://www.iosrjournals.org/iosr-jhss/pages/26(3)Series-5.html 

Paper Prasentation 

1. Anjan Kumar Nath, "International Development Cooperation and Bangladesh: A Historical Analysis." International Conferrence on Culture, Peace and Education: From the Prespective of People's History, University of Rajshahi, September 26-28, 2019.

Masters Thesis

Anjan Kumar Nath, "Internal Migration in Bangladesh: Socio-economic Causes and Consequences Study."

Experiences and Activities

1.  Mr. Nath was a member of Bangladesh youth delegation to India in 2015 fully-funded by the government of India. 

2. Adviser, BADHAN (A voluntary Blood Donors' Organization), Jahangirnagar University Zone.