Noakhali Science and Technology University

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Department of Educational Administration

Academic Profile of Bikram Biswas

Bikram Biswas

About Bikram Biswas


Bikram Biswas has completed his Master of Administrative Management (MAM) degree under the College of  Public Administration from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China, and also completed  B.S.S. (Hons.) and MPA in Public Administration from Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh. He has diverse professional experiences in research institutions and academia. Bikram has been involved in teaching and research as a faculty member in the Department of Educational Administration since April 2019. 

His current research activities are mainly focused on  Local Government, Public Policy, Development Administration, Disaster Management, Educational Administration, and management, SDG, Organizational Behaviour. 



1. Biswas B, Roy SK (2020) Service quality, satisfaction and intention to use Union Digital Center in Bangladesh: The moderating effect of citizen participation. PLoS ONE 15(12): e0244609. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0244609


2. Biswas Bikram , Roy Sajib Kumar, Roy Falguni (2020). Students Perception of Mobile Learning during COVID-19 in Bangladesh: University Student Perspective. Aquademia, 4(2) ep20023. DOI:  https://doi.org/10.29333/aquademia/8443


3. Biswas Taposh Kumar, Biswas Bikram (2020). A Study on the Existing Practices of Quality Assurance of Secondary School of Bangladesh. Journal of Education and Development 10(19), 15-22, 1-8.


4. Roy Sajib Kumar, Biswas Bikram  (2020). Citizen’s Participation in Decision Making Process through Ward Shava at the Local Government in Bangladesh: A Study on Gogram Union in Rajshahi District. International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology 5 (1), 702-710. DOI: 10.33564/IJEAST.2020.v05i01.125


5. Chowdhury Suban Kumar, Biswas Bikram, Datta Bishwajit, Sagar Sadiqul Islam (2018). Unfolding Interest Groups’ Influence on Individual Members of the United States of America's Congress in Public Policy Decision Making: A Review of Previous Researches. Dynamics of Public Administration 35(2), 163-167. DOI: 10.5958/0976-0733.2018.00012.3


6. Biswas Bikram (2016). Composition of Public Service Commission in Three Developing Countries in South Asia: Bangladesh, India &  Pakistan.  International Journal of African and Asian Studies 22,14-22.



Experiences and Activities