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Department of Sociology

Academic Profile of Dr. Md. Roknuzzaman Siddiky

Dr. Md. Roknuzzaman Siddiky

About Dr. Md. Roknuzzaman Siddiky

Since my boyhood, I have had a passion for working in the development sector. As such, after graduating from the Dhaka University majoring sociology, I started my career in 2000 as a development practitioner in RDRS, Bangladesh – a renowned NGO working in the northern region of Bangladesh. Then I switched my professional career to education sector so that I could contribute to the nation-building activities and societal development of Bangladesh by imparting knowledge and quality teachings to the students. I started my teaching career as a lecturer in sociology at the Dhaka Residential Model College (DRMC) – a well-known educational institution in Dhaka city – on the 14th December, 2002 and worked there until July 1, 2005. Through qualifying 24 BCS Examination, I started my teaching profession in BCS (General Education) Cadre as a lecturer in   sociology on July 2, 2005 and was posted at the Rajshahi College – one of the oldest educational institutions and the most renowned university level government colleges in Bangladesh. I was immensely fascinated by the academic environment and quality education of Rajshahi College. Rajshahi College greatly changed my outlook and perception as a teacher and inspired me to undertake an advanced study.

In 2008, I was awarded scholarship under the Korean Government Scholarship Program (KGSP) to pursue my PhD. After undertaking a year-long Korean language training at Silla University, I got myself admitted in 2009 to the Graduate School of Techno-HRD of the Korea University of Technology and Education (KOREATECH) – a well-reputed university in Korea in the field of engineering and HRD – where I undertook my doctoral research on the effectiveness of Korean international development cooperation to facilitate HRD in Bangladesh under the supervision of Prof. Uh Soo-Bong – a renowned Korean  HRD expert and a labour economist. In August 2012, I was awarded doctoral degree. Soon after I received my PhD degree, I came back to Bangladesh and was posted in Rajshahi College in December, 2012. Prior to my joining in the Noakhali Science and Technology University (NSTU)  as an associate professor of sociology, I used to serve at the Rajshahi College and subsequently the NSTU as an  assistant professor of sociology.  After my joining, I have been playing an active role in teaching various courses of sociology and in the development of the Department of Sociology as a chairman. I have been also serving as an additional director at the International Cooperation and Collaboration Centre (ICCC) of the NSTU. Soon after my joining at the ICCC, I have been playing a key role to promote academic collaboration with many overseas universities. By this time, I have published a number of quality journal articles in the field of social sciences and education. On 22 January, 2022, I was upgraded to the rank of Professor. 


Published Journal Papers


Name of Author(s)

Year of Publication

Name of Paper/Article

Name of Journal

Type of Paper


Siddiky, M.R. & Akter, S.


The students’ career choice and job preparedness strategies: a social environmental perspective

International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education, 10(2), 421-431

A peer-reviewed indexed in Scopus (Q-4)


Muniruzzaman, M. & Siddiky, M.R.


Association between Students’ Inattentiveness to Study and their Psychological Conditions during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Asian Journal of University Education Universiti Teknologi Mara, 17 (2), 27-38

A peer-reviewed indexed in Scopus (Q-4)


Siddiky, M.R. & Uh, S.B.


Linking TVET with industries in Bangladesh: Need for supportive policies and an approach to TVET

Journal of Technical Education and Training (JTET),   Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia,

12(3), 1-21

A peer-reviewed indexed in Scopus



Siddiky, M.R.


Does soft skill development vary among the students: a gender perspective

Turkish Journal of Education, 9(3), 205-221.

A peer-reviewed indexed in Web of Science


Siddiky, M.R.


Examining the linkage between students’ participation in co-curricular activities and their soft skill development

Journal of Educational Sciences (JES),  4(3), 511-528

A peer-reviewed indexed in DOAJ, SINTA


Siddiky, M.R.


Developing co-curricular activities and extra-curricular activities for all-round development of the undergraduate students: a study of a selected public university in Bangladesh

Pakistan Journal of Applied Social Sciences, 10(2019), 61-82.

A peer-reviewed indexed in Tehqeeqat, Google Scholar


Siddiky, M.R. & Uh, S.B.


Development aid and its taxonomy of motives from a global perspective: an overview

Journal of Social Science, Rajshahi College, 1(1), 16-30.

A peer-reviewed


Al-Faruki, J. & Siddiky, M.R.


Secularism and Muslim world: an overview

Journal of Social Science, Rajshahi College, 1(1), 16-30.  

A peer-reviewed


Uh, S.B. & Siddiky, M.R.


Does development aid work? improving aid effectiveness in international development cooperation efforts

Bangladesh e-Journal of Sociology (BEJS), 14 (2), 120-141

A peer-reviewed published by Bangladesh Sociological Society


Siddiky, M.R.


Does south-south cooperation really work? Some evidences from Korea’s bilateral ODA programs to facilitate HRD in ICT in Bangladesh

Journal of Practical Engineering Education (JPEE), 7(1) 57-66

A peer-reviewed published by Korean society for Practical  Engineering


Siddiky, M.R.


A study of the effectiveness of Korea’s technical cooperation to develop the skills of the trainees of the BKTTC: an evaluation of vocational training under KOICA’s project in Bangladesh

Bangladesh e-Journal of Sociology (BEJS), 12 (1), 126-143

A peer-reviewed published by Bangladesh Sociological Society


Siddiky, M.R.


Effectiveness of Korea’s development cooperation to enhance the vocational training capacity of the BKTTC: need for building absorptive capacity for effective development cooperation in Bangladesh

Bangladesh e-Journal of Sociology (BEJS), 11(1), 101-118.


A peer-reviewed published by Bangladesh Sociological Society


Siddiky, M.R.


A study of the effectiveness of Korea’s technical cooperation to facilitate capacity building of the govt. officials of Bangladesh

Journal of the Institute of Bangladesh Studies,

35(2012), 89-102

A peer-reviewed published by IBS, Rajshahi University


Published Conference Papers


Name of Author(s)

Year of Publication

Name of Paper

Name of Journal/Publisher

Type of Paper


Siddiky, M.R.


The significance of the comprehensive and integrated approach of HRD in the least developed countries to meet the economic challenges of globalization: An Overview 

Korean Society for Adult & Continuing Education Studies

The conference paper presented on 30th April, 2011 at Korea University of Technology and Education


Experiences and Activities