Noakhali Science and Technology University

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Department of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering

Academic Profile of Dr. Mohammed Mafizul Islam

Dr. Mohammed Mafizul Islam

About Dr. Mohammed Mafizul Islam

Dr. Mohammed Mafizul Islam has been working as Associate Professor in the Department of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering, Noakhali Science and Technology University since 12th September 2018.

He graduated his bachelor and masters from Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensigh. He was awarded monbukagakusho (Japanese Government Scholarship) for PhD study in Hiroshima University and started his PhD journy at 2004. After  successfull completeion of his Doctoral study started working as post doc researcherr.

He was appointed as Assistant Professor in the Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University, which was first faculty position occupied by a Bangladeshi in Hiroshima University. During his prolong research and teaching career in Japan, he published a number of publications in the omternationaly renounced journals. He also presented his research work in different national and international conference including several presentation as invited or keynote speaker. 

He returned back to Bangladesh at 2018 with an intention to serve the motherland with his academic and research capabilities. He joined as Associate Professor in the Dept. of BGE and from the very begining he is focusing on the resrch  and research infrastructure development in the department. Now Dept. of BGE has one of the best research laboratories in NSTU. A number of students have graduated bachelor and MS degree, working under his supervision and energetic team working with his research team in different areas of Biotechnology and Molecular Biology. He also served as Director (Acting) of the Research Cell and has been serving as Co-Chief Editor of the Journal of Noakhali Science and Technology University.

He has been serving as the Chairman of the Deperment of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering.since 5th October 2021.


Experiences and Activities