Noakhali Science and Technology University

Phone: 02334496522 Fax:02334496523 registrar@office.nstu.edu.bd

Department of Food Technology and Nutrition Science

Academic Profile of Dr. Md. Ruhul Kabir

Dr. Md. Ruhul Kabir

About Dr. Md. Ruhul Kabir


Kabir MR. Adopting Andersen’s behavior model to identify factors influencing maternal healthcare service utilization in Bangladesh. PLOS ONE. 2021;16(11):e0260502. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0260502 .

Md Ruhul Kabir, Oumma Halima, Nahian Rahman, Susmita Ghosh, Md. Sayedul Islam, Habibur Rahman, Linking farm production diversity to household dietary diversity controlling market access and agricultural technology usage: evidence from Noakhali district, Bangladesh, Heliyon, Volume 8, Issue 1, 2022, e08755, ISSN 2405-8440, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2022.e08755

Alam MR, Karmokar S, Reza S, Kabir MR, Ghosh S, Mamun MAA. Geriatric malnutrition and depression: Evidence from elderly home care population in Bangladesh. Preventive Medicine Reports. 2021;23:101478. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2211335521001686?via%3Dihub

Saha S, Al Mamun MA, Kabir MR. Factors Affecting Fast Food Consumption among College Students in South Asia: A Systematic Review. Journal of the American College of Nutrition. 2021:1-11. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/07315724.2021.1940354?journalCode=uacn20

Khan MMI, Kabir MR. Prevalence and Associated Factors of Early Cessation of Exclusive Breastfeeding Practice in Noakhali, Bangladesh: A Mixed-Method Study. J Pediatr Nurs. 2021;58:e44-e53. doi:10.1016/j.pedn.2020.12.017. https://www.pediatricnursing.org/article/S0882-5963(21)00001-4/fulltext

Tanjina Rahman, Shakil Ahmed, Md. Ruhul Kabir, M. Akhtaruzzaman, Esrat Jahan Mitali, Harun-Ur Rashid, ZulfitriAzuan Mat Daud, Ban-Hock Khor, Deepinder Kaur, Pramod Khosla,Provision of renal-specific nutrition knowledge for changing dietary practice in Bangladeshi hemodialysis patients, PEC Innovation, Volume 1, 2022, 100028,ISSN 2772-6282, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pecinn.2022.100028. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2772628222000139)

Kabir MR (2022) How do traditional media access and mobile phone use affect maternal healthcare service use in Bangladesh? Moderated mediation effects of socioeconomic factors. PLOS ONE 17(4): e0266631. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0266631

Susmita Ghosh, Md. Ruhul Kabir, Majharul Islam, Zehad Bin Shadat, Fahim Sarkar Ishat, Riad Hasan, Ismail Hossain, Sayeda Saima Alam, Oumma Halima; Association between water, sanitation, and hygiene practices (WASH) and anthropometric nutritional status among selected under-five children in rural Noakhali, Bangladesh: a cross-sectional analysis. Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development washdev2020133. doi: https://doi.org/10.2166/washdev.2020.133

Md. Ruhul Kabir, Susmita Ghosh, Md Abdullah Al Mamun, Homayra Islam, Ruhina Binta A Ghani, Factors associated with antenatal and health facility delivery care in selected areas of Subornochor upazila, Noakhali, Bangladesh, Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health,2020,ISSN 2213-3984,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cegh.2020.03.008.

Kabir Md. R, Rahman N, Iqbal A, Azad F, Tithi SH, Uddin MH et al. Socio-demographic, Environmental and Life Style Factors on the Dengue Epidemic in Noakhali District, Bangladesh: Evidence from Recent Outbreak. J Commun Dis 2020; 52(4): 57-65. DOI: https://doi.org/10.24321/0019.5138.202041.

M. Rahanur Alam, Md. Ruhul Kabir, S. Reza, Comorbidities might be a risk factor forthe incidence of COVID-19: Evidence from a web-based survey, Preventive Medicine Reports (2021), doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pmedr.2021.101319 .

Md. Ruhul Kabir, Susmita Ghosh and Asma Shawly A (2019). Effect of early marriage on reproductive health of young mothers in Bangladesh. American Journal of Applied Sciences. Volume 16, Issue 9, Pages 289-297. https://thescipub.com/abstract/10.3844/ajassp.2019.289.297.

Md. Ashraful Islam, Mohammad Nurul Amin, Shafayet Ahmed Siddiqui, Md. Parvez Hossain, Farhana Sultana, Md. Ruhul Kabir, Trans fatty acids and lipid profile: A serious risk factor to cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes, Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews, Volume 13, Issue 2, 2019. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1871402119301420?via%3Dihub


Nahian Rahman, Md. Ruhul Kabir, Oumma Halima, Rahanur Alam, Md Abdullah Al Mamun, Homayra Islam. Under five child mortality and its risks factors in Bangladesh and other South Asian Countries: A literature review. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development. Volume 11, No6, 2020.

Ghosh S, Kabir MR, Shill LC, Khan MI. Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice (KAP) regarding Hygiene among Primary School going Children in Sadar Upazilla, Noakhali District, Bangladesh. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development. Volume 11, No6, 2020.

Mohammad Rahanur Alam, Sompa Reza, Md. Ruhul Kabir, Susmita Ghosh, Md. Shahadat Hossain, A.K. Obidul Huq and Md. Aminul Haque Bhuyan. Prevalence and Association of Different Lifestyle Factors with Overweight and Obesity among the Children of Selected Private English Medium Schools from Dhaka City. World Journal of Nutrition and Health. 2019; 7(2):42-47.

Md. Ruhul Kabir, Homayra Islam, Optimum Utilization of Antenatal Care (ANC 4) Service is Still a Long Way Down the Road in Bangladesh: Analysis of Bangladesh Demographic Health Survey Data, Food and Public Health, Vol. 9 No. 1, 2019, pp. 21-31.

Habib, Mohammad Asadul, Mamun, Md. Abdullah Al, Kabir, Md. Ruhul, Chowdhury, Mohammad Hasan, Tumpa, Farzana Afroz, and Nayeem, Jannatul. (2019), Probiotics for Cardiovascular Diseases, Hypertension, Hypercholesterolemia, and Cancer Condition: A Summary of the Evidence. Journal of Health and Medical Sciences, Vol.2, No.2, 131-141.

Kabir, M. R., Rahman, M., Mamun, M. A., & Islam, H. (2018). Prevalence of malnutrition and associated factors affecting the nutritional status of Adivasi (tribal) children aged 24-59 months in Bangladesh. Asian Journal of Medical and Biological Research, 4(2), 178-185.

Kabir MR (2016).  Effect of Women Education on the Utilization of Antenatal Care (ANC) Services in Bangladesh: A Multivariable Analysis of Socioeconomic and Demographic Factors . Acad. J. Educ. Res. 4(6): 095-103.

Kabir MR, Mokbul M. Determinants of the use of delivery and post natal care services by pregnant women and analyses of these factors contributing on the utilization of maternal health care services in Bangladesh. Int J Health Sci Res. 2016; 6(8):301-310.

Rahman, N., Sultana, M. M., Sultana, M., Ghosh, S., Mostary, U., Saha, P., & Kabir, M. R. (2020). Stem Cell Therapy in Treatment of Non-communicable Diseases: Possibilities and Challenges. Asian Journal of Immunology, 4(1), 10-18. Retrieved from http://www.journalaji.com/index.php/AJI/article/view/30124

Rahman, N., Kabir, M. R., Sultana, M., Islam, M. M., Alam, M. R., Dey, M., & Hossain, M. S. (2020). Exclusive Breastfeeding Practice (EBF), Survival Function and Factors Associated with the Early Cessation of EBF in Developing Countries. Asian Journal of Pregnancy and Childbirth, 3(1), 38-49. Retrieved from http://www.journalajpcb.com/index.php/AJPCB/article/view/30111.

Islam, M.A., Ghosh, S., Alam, A.U., Islam, M.T., Kabir, M.R. and Sultana, M. (2021) Assessment of Physico-Chemical and Microbiological Quality of Drinking Water in Three Upazilas of Noakhali District in Bangladesh. Open Access Library Journal, 8, 1-11. doi: 10.4236/oalib.1107941.

Experiences and Activities


1. Assistant Professor (2017 to till date) (On Study Leave)

2. Lecturer (2015 to 2017)

Important Activities:

International Short Course at Wageningen University, The Netherlands:

Attended international short course on “Global one health: towards human, animal and plant health” (28 October - 8 November 2019) organized by Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation, Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands financed by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (OKP Fellowship). The course helped to:

  • Gain insight in the principles behind a Global One Health (GOH) approach and be able to apply these principles to health challenges for humans, animals and plants in their day-to-day work.
  • Understand the scope of GOH and learn about the interrelatedness of animal, human, plant and environmental health;
  • Get familiar with applying different tools and feel equipped to perform GOH analysis;
  • Learn about the ecological and economic relevance of GOH management;
  • Get exposed to GOH practices in the Netherlands and are able to identify entry points for GOH policy, planning and management in their own country.
  • Week 1: Understanding the interconnectedness of the health challenges. Week 2: Planning for a concerted GOH approach for impact.



World Health Organization (WHO) - Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen, Denmark in Nutrition, Obesity and Physical Activity Program, Division of Non-Communicable Disease and Health Promotion(DNP). The WHO Internship programme involved experience in the work of an international organization, including understanding WHO policies and strategies, specifically, it involved:

  • Performing a review of the health effects and policies to eliminate “trans” fat from the diet within WHO European Region and
  • Developing a mapping of iodine deficiency prevention policies in WHO Europe Member States.

Important Trainings and Workshops Attended:

Attended Training Program on “ Engaging university faculties for capacity building in achieving SDGs on sustainable food and agriculture” organized by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, Government of People’s Republic of Bangladesh in association with Swedish Agricultural University, Sweden (SLU) in association with Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development (BARD) (12-16 October’ 2019). The training program aimed to expand participants’ knowledge and understanding of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and enhance the capacity of integrating SDGs relating to Sustainable Food and Agriculture (SFA) into the University policies and curricula.

Seminar and workshop on “ International CME on Diabetic Kidney Disease & Deceased Renal Transplantation” arranged by Kidney Foundation Bangladesh & Wayne State University, USA. 2019.

Workshop on “Evidence-Informed Policy making”  Chaired by John N. Labis, Mcmaster University, Canada at World Health Organization (WHO),Regional Office for Europe, Denmark.

1st National seminar on “ Research & Innovation in Food Technology & Nutrition Science” arranged by Department of Food Technology & Nutrition Science, Noakhali Science & Technology University, Bangladesh. 2019.

Training on Biostatistics and Data handling using SPSS and STATA. Dr.Nawi Ng, Senior Lecturer, Epidemilogy and Global Health, Umeå University, Sweden.

Training on Applied Statistics and Data Analysis by Lennarth Nystöm, Senior Lecturer, Department of Public Health and clinical Medicine, Umeå University, Sweden.

Intensive training on Proposal writing, Research Design, Graphical Presentation Technique by Dr. Nawi Ng, Assistant Professor, Epidemilogy and Global Health, Umeå University, Sweden.

Methodology Workshop on Qualitative Research Processes by a Visiting Professor from University of Canterbury, INFS, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.

A training on categorical data analysis using logistic regression by Joacim Rocklöv, Senior lecturer, Umeå International School of Public Health and Clinical Medicine, Umeå University, Sweden.




Conference, Seminar and Symposium:

1. Best oral presentation award on the 2021 ANPOR-APCA Annual Conferenceon on the following paper, "Do mobile phone and media access affect antenatal, delivery and use of contraception service utilization in Bangladesh? A health communication perspective from the nationally representative data". The 2021 ANPOR-APCA Annual Conference, jointly hosted by  the Asian Network for Public Opinion Research (ANPOR) and the Asia-Pacific Communication Alliance (APCA), was successfully held on December 14, 2021 in Bangkok, Thailand (offline) and online. https://www.anpor.net/

2. Best Presentation Award" for Session G: Challenge and response of social work in the new normal!" on the 9th Global Social Sciences Graduate Student e-Conference organized by Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong on 28th April 2022. https://research.hkbu.edu.hk/event/9th-global-social-sciences-graduate-student-e-conference.

3. Attended "Annual Symposium on Transdisciplinary Research" Organized by Research Office, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong at Lam Woo International Conference Centre on 10th December'2021. https://interdisciplinary-research.hkbu.edu.hk/news-and-events/annual-symposium-on-transdisciplinary-research.