Noakhali Science and Technology University

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Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management

Academic Profile of Mst. Rinu Fatema

Mst. Rinu Fatema

About Mst. Rinu Fatema

I am honest and decent person and i like a simple life.


Md.Monjur Hossain, Mst.Rinu Fatema and Md.Shafiul Hossain, Specialized Banks Performance Analysis and Impact of Bank Size: A study on Bangladesh Krishi Bank (BKB)@ Probashi Kollyan Bank, Himalayan Economics and Business Management,2(1) 1-13, 2021.

MR Fatema,MH Rahman,MH Ali, Impact of awareness rising program on corporate social responsibility practice:An analysis in selected bank,European Journal of Business and Management,Vol 11,No 3,2019



MH Rahman, MR Fatema, MH Ali, 2019, Impact of motivation and job satisfaction on employees performance: An empirical study, Asian journal of  Economics, Business  and Accounting, Vol 10(4)1-10

Sonjoy Kumar Roy, Mst.Rinu Fatema, Md. Jamsedul Islam and Md. Nazmul Huda, 2020, Reviewing Youtube as a Compelling Tool for the Promotion of Tourism, International Journal of  Management and Accounting, Vol 2(5),96-104

Experiences and Activities

Lecturer,Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management,Noakhali Science and Technology University,Bangladesh From 5 March 2018 to 4 March 2020

Assistant Professor,Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management,Noakhali Science and Technology University,Bangladesh From 5 March 2020 to Present.