Noakhali Science and Technology University

Phone: 02334496522 Fax:02334496523 registrar@office.nstu.edu.bd

Department of Oceanography

Academic Profile of Najmus Sakib Khan

Najmus Sakib Khan

About Najmus Sakib Khan

Mr. Khan is working as Assistant Professor at the Department of Oceanography, Noakhali Science & Technology University. Before joining the universitty he worked as Research Assistant (December 2016- May 2017) at Department of Biotechnology, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Malaysia and Research Intern (January 2013 - December 2013) at Worldfish Centre, Bangladesh. Currently He is working on Plankton ecology.


  1. 1. Khan, N.S. & Tisha, N.A. 2020. Freshwater Algal Tolerance to Organic Pollution: A Reveiw. Pollution Research. 39 (4) : 1297-1301.       Link: http://www.envirobiotechjournals.com/PR/v39i420/Poll%20Res-68.pdf
  2. 2. Khan, N.S, Islam, M.S, Bari, J.B.A, Tisha, N.A. 2020. Water Quality Evaluation by Monitoring Zooplankton Distribution in Wild Ponds, Noakhali, Bangladesh. Nature Environment and Pollution Technology. 19 (4): 1767-1770. Link: http://neptjournal.com/upload-images/(50)D-1051.pdf
  3. 3. Khan,N.S, Islam, M.S, Bari, J.B.A., Kamal, M.M. 2020. Monsoonal Plankton Distribution and Physico-chemical Water Qualities in A Rain-fed lake in Noakhali, Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Fisheries. 32 (1): 179-184. Link: https://fsb.bau.edu.bd/bjf/index.php/home/article/view/102/126
  4. 4. Waseeh, M.A, Rahman Afm Arifur, Khan N.S. 2020. Effects of Artificial Food Additives in Vietnam Koi, Anabas Testudineus (Bloch,1972) Pond Culture System. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Research. 5 (3). 50-54.
  5. 5. Khan, N.S, Uddin, A, Bari, J.B.A, Tisha, N.A. 2020. Evaluation the Potentiality of Ancient Ponds by Palmer's Algal Pollution Index, Noakhali, Bangladesh. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Research. 4 (4). 28-31. Link: http://www.fishjournals.com/archives/2019/vol4/issue4/4-4-15
  6. 6. Khan, N.S. & Bari, J.B.A. 2019. The effects of physic-chemical parameters on plankton distribution in poultry manure and artificial formulated feed treated fish ponds, Noakhali, Bangladesh. International Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Studies. 7 (5): 01-07. Link: https://www.fisheriesjournal.com/archives/?year=2019&vol=7&issue=5&part=A&ArticleId=1962
  7. 7. Khan, N.S. & Islam, S. 2019. State the organic pollution level in rain fed ponds, Noakhali, Bangladesh. International Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Studies. 7 (5): 438-441. Link: https://www.fisheriesjournal.com/archives/2019/vol7issue5/PartF/7-5-33-309.pdf
  8. 8. Rahman, M.M., Izzuddin, M.H., Khan, N.S., John, A., Naim, M.A.2018. DNA Barcoding and Molecular Phylogeny of Indigenous Bacteria in Fishes from a tropical tidal river in Malaysia. DNA Barcoding and Molecular Phylogeny.
  9. 9. Rahman, M.M., Ali, M.R., Sarder, M.R.I., Mollah, M.F.A., Khan, N.S., 2016. Development of sperm cryopreservation protocol of endangered spiny eel, Mastacembelusarmatus (Lacepede 1800) for ex-situ conservation. Cryobiology.
  10. 10.F.S. Amira, M.M. Rahman, B.Y. Kamaruzzaman, K.C.A. Jalal, M.Y. Hossain & Khan, N.S. 2016.Relative Abundance and Growth of Male and Female Nemipterus furcosus Population, Sains Malaysiana, 45(1): 79–86. [Impact Factor: 0.350]
  11. 11. Rahman, M.M.,Haikal,M., Khan, N.S, Yunus,K. Vertical Dynamics of Bacteria in a Tropical Tidal River. 2nd International Conference on Oceanography and Sustainable Marine Production (ICOSMaP 2016). International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia.
  12. 12. Khan, N.S, M. R. I. Sarder, M. A. A. Faroque & M. F. A. Mollah. 2015.   Standardization of sperm cryopreservation techniques of Indian Major Carp Rohu (Labeo rohita, Hamilton, 1822), International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies, 2(6): 175-181.
  13. 13. K.M.M. Rahman, M. Nahar, R.K. Adhikary, Khan, N.S, M.M. Rahman, M. Asadujjaman       and M.A. Rahman. 2014. Socio-Economic Condition and Occupation Migration of  Fisherman of the Jamuna River under Shirajgonj District in Bangladesh, Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 22 (5): 633-638.
  14. 14. Quaiyum, M.A., Rahman, M.M., Sarker, B.S., Alam, M.M, Khan, N.S, Rahman, M.S, Siddique, R. 2012. Microbiological Quality Assesment of Chapila (Gudusia Chapra) and Tengra ( Mystus Vittatus) in Bangladesh. Stamford Journal of Microbiology. 2 (1): 6-9.
  15. 15. Khan, N.S, Islam, M.R.U, Hossain, M.B., Quaiyum, M.A, Shamsuddin, M, Karmaker, J.K. 2012. Comerative Analysis of Microbial Status of Raw and Frozen Freshwater Prawn (Macrobracchium rosenbergii). Middle East Journal of Scientific Research. 12 (7): 1026-1030.

Experiences and Activities

Professional Experience 

Nov. 2019 - Present - Assistant Professor, Dept. of Oceanography, Noakhali Science & Technology University

Nov. 2017- Nov. 2019 - Lecturer, Dept. of Oceanography, Dept. of Oceanography, Noakhali Science & Technology University

Dec. 2016 - May 2017- Research Assistant, International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia

Jan. 2013 - Dec. 2013- Research Intern, Worldfish Centre, Bangladesh


-Peer J


Conducting Cources:

-OCN 1105- Marine Ecology

-OCN 2103- Biological Oceanography

-OCN 2109- Marine Environment and Climate Change

-OCN 2203- Marine Microbiology

-OCN 2209 Marine Biochemistry

-OCN 3105 Marine Plankton

-OCN 3203 Marine Biochemistry

-OCN 4103 Marine Natural Products