Noakhali Science and Technology University

Phone: 02334496522 Fax:02334496523 registrar@office.nstu.edu.bd
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Department of Educational Administration

Welcome to the Department of Educational Administration

The department of Educational Administration at NSTU was established in 2018. The first course was offered in 2018. The graduates of this department will be awarded Bachelor of Education degree in Educational Administration after their completion of four years of studies. This department will also offer one year master’s program in Educational Administration. The aim of this department is to develop leadership capacity among the stakeholders of education sector. The undergraduate program will contribute to prepare leaders who will pioneer changes in educational institutions, research and policy centers and other educational settings locally, nationally and globally. This mission and vision of this department is to offer a comprehensive undergraduate program particularly focusing Educational administration, management, leadership and educational policy analysis. In order to contribute to the fourth goal of sustainable development by 2030 the Department of Educational Administration will make effort to lead relevant policy talks and training activities along with reinforcing excellence in ongoing teaching learning practice.

Mission and Vision

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Message from the Chairman

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G M Rakibul Islam

Chairman and Assistant Professor

Department of Educational Administration

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Faculty Member

Officers and Staff

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Notice and Forms

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Mailing Address

Noakhali Science and Technology University

Noakhali-3814, Noakhali.

(Office Hour: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Days: Sunday to Thursday, Closed weekend day: Friday and Saturday)

Website : www.nstu.edu.bd